Here at Palmerston North Girls’ High School we acknowledge the importance of professional careers guidance and how the right advice and information is essential in supporting our ākonga into their future pathways. The Careers Department will ensure that our ākonga are supported on their journey while helping to connect them with the resources that can help make their dreams become a reality.
Our focus in the junior school is on developing self-awareness, our ākonga are encouraged to explore a range of subject options, along with extracurricular pursuits to help develop strengths, discover their interests, build self-management and relating to others.
Our careers practitioner visits all senior form classes to deliver essential information about post-secondary education and career pathways. We focus on potential options that align with students' individual values, preferences and goals, along with providing support in subject selection and developing future planning skills. Senior students are encouraged to attend tertiary information sessions, visit open days, do work experience in industries of interest and start to research their options.
All senior Y11 - Y13 ākonga and whānau will automatically be sent our fortnightly careers newsletter, this is where you can access current information, news and events. This is also the place you can book a one-on-one careers appointments with our careers practitioner.